How do I create an account?
It is simple, on the home page choose ‘I am a Guard’ and enter your information. Then follow the instructions to complete your profile.
How much does it cost?
Nothing! The service is FREE for guards.
What information do I put in?
Once you have created your account you should upload all your permits and certifications, your employment history, and your resume. The more information you provide will allow recruiters to have a better understanding of who you are.
Why do I need to record the video interview?
This unique feature was developed so recruiters can get an impression of you beyond what is on paper. It is a chance for you to make a physical impression on recruiters. Recording a video interview will increase your chances of your profile being viewed.
How do I record a video interview?
From your profile page, click the "Take Interview" button. Review the instructions and tips provided and click continue to proceed to the practice interview page. On the practice page, make sure you click the "Allow" and "Remember" boxes to enable your webcam.

Who can view my video interview?
The interview can be viewed only by you and a recruiter.
How do I post my resume?
In your profile page under the Employment History tab there is an option to upload your resume.
How do I edit my profile?
In your profile page there are EDIT buttons in each tab and next to the header.
What is Listed or Unlisted status?
A guard has the option for his profile to be shown in the search or not. If the profile shows as Listed it is discoverable by searching. If the profile shows Unlisted it will remain private and only you will be able to view it.
How do I change my profile from Listed to Unlisted or vice versa?
Under the General Information tab hit EDIT and under Listing Status change from Disabled or Enabled to change the status.
I got an Availability Confirmation email what is it?
An Availability Confirmation email is an email sent by an employer interested in you. If you want the employer to contact you click on Available if not click Unavailable.
How do I create an account?
It is simple, on the home page choose "I am an Employer" and enter your information Then follow the instructions to complete your profile
How much does it cost?
Currently the service is free of charge.
How do I find Guards?
Once logged in, click on find guards, you can refine the search by utilizing the Refine Search Tools.
What is a Guard List?
A recruiter has the option to place guards that they like in lists in order to categorize potential employees.
What is a ‘Check for Availability’ email?